Having a kind hearted and well mannered girlfriend was a dream for every man in the world including Jung Yonghwa. He feels that he was the luckiest man alive for having Seohyun as his girlfriend. She's known as her pure and innocent character. Her care for others was also adding her perfection.
Last week she was appointed as an ambassador of Red Cross Organization. Well, it's no surprise since she was routine donating her blood once in three months. She also always active doing a campaign to persuade people to donate their blood.
"Oppa, it's embarrassing if my own boyfriend never donate his blood when i was the ambassador of the red cross," Seohyun said while pulling Yonghwa's arm towards the blood donation center.
"Seohyun-ah, it's scary," Yonghwa pout cutely, putting his best aegyo so Seohyun could let him go. Unfortunately his aegyo was failed to defeat Seohyun's stubbornness.
Yonghwa tried his best to look for various reasons which can help him escape from Seohyun's hold. Again, all his reasons were useless since Seohyun always defeat his logic.
"Jung Yonghwa," the officer calls his name, signaling him to enter the check up room.
Yonghwa won't budge even an inch. This time, Seohyun was the one who needs to pull her aegyo to make him follow her order. Well, the next thing which happens is Yonghwa follow Seohyun obediently. Thanks to her thick aegyo skin.
All the check up says that he's all fine to donate his blood. Little did they know if there is one part of him which doesn't like that idea. His fear. His scare. He himself doesn't know what is he afraid of.
"Oppa, you just simply lay your body on the bed, then the nurse unnie will inject the needle and collecting your blood, then rest for a while. Finish. Just that. So there's no reason to be afraid," Seohyun said to relieve Yonghwa's tense.
"But Seohyun-ah," Yonghwa whine.
"No more but, Oppa! You know, donating blood will make your blood circulation......"
"Arasso, arasso!" Yonghwa could only agree while hearing his girlfriend start the preaching. It could last for several hours to express all of the theory that she learned. Well, as expected from a Red Cross ambassador girlfriend.
Yonghwa wincing in pain when the needle piercing his vein. It's not as painful as he think though. But don't call him Jung Yonghwa if he never exaggerating things.
"Please inform us immediately if you feel dizzy or nauseous!" the nurse told him. He just nodded.
He was timid, scared, and nervous at the same time. He really needs Seohyun to stay beside him. Calm him down. Telling him that everything's alright. But unfortunately Seohyun was nowhere to be found. Seohyun isn't trying to be simple minded, but hey, it's just blood donation, right? No need to be overreacting.
Seohyun was talking with the officer about the blood donation campaign when suddenly the nurse rushing inside and inform her that her boyfriend was passed out. What, pass out? Is he pulling the trick or what? she thought.
She holds his hand and realized that it was really cold. He was definitely passed out. A moment later, Yonghwa open his eyes weakly. Then he's smiling like a fool upon catching a glimpse of Seohyun's weary face.
"Jung Yonghwa, you scared me to the death!" Seohyun yelled.
"Well, there are several reasons on why people fainted during blood donation. First, because of thedecreases blood pressure. Second, it's because of emotional stress. The body directs blood flow to the muscles to prepare for the fight response to danger. This diverts blood from the brain, increasing the risk that someone will pass out during the donation process," the nurse explains.
Seohyun nodded after listening to the nurse's explanation. As for Yonghwa, the nurse's short preaching just like a lullaby for him which successfully sending him into a dreamland. Fortunately, the nurse allows them to use the room for a while until Yonghwa recover.
Seohyun can't utter even a single word to her helpless boyfriend. She watches tentatively into God's best creature in front of her. She feels guilty for harming that perfection. Unconsciously she touches his arm which covered with a plaster. She closes her eyes and kiss it. Hoping that it could help him heal.
"Not there Hyun, but here," Yonghwa said while pointing his lips.
"Mwo?!" Seohyun asked innocently.
"If you want to heal me, kiss me on my lips, not my arm," Yonghwa grinned mischievously.
"I would like to, Mr. Jung," Yonghwa shocked with her sudden boldness. But he couldn't content his shock as Seohyun already close the gap between their mouth. The kiss lasted for five minutes. Those best kiss. Both of them enjoy it.
"I think i want more, dear," Yonghwa said hoarsely.
"Then, let's do it next time when you're having your second blood donation," Seohyun teases him.
Chapter 3 - Seo Mansion

The head suster calls Jihyo and Gary because of the trouble that caused by Hyunnie. The susters said they can not handle her. This is the first time they meet such a naughty girl. It can't be helped since almost all the students here are the daughters of noble. Jihyo and Gary ask one more chance for Hyunnie. She also needs to teach the rules to be a lady. She needs to have friends and socialize with people.
Hyunnie feels so guilty for making Jihyo and Gary begs like that to the head suster. As if she holds her curiosity and behave better, they wouldn't involve her problem. Fortunately the head suster is willing to give another opportunity. She promises she will be a good girl and not causing a problem again.
Tiffany hugged Hyunnie when she enters the room. She's happy that Hyunnie isn't dropping out from the school. She promises that she would guide Hyunnie so that she wouldn't cause trouble anymore.
Tiffany drags her into the church to pray together with other students. The church has been quiet and the pray will start when they got there. Hyunnie doesn't understand what are they doing but she's imitating Tiffany's action.
"Tif, who is that?" Hyunnie pointing at the statue figure on the front of the room.
"That's Mother Maria," Tiffany said in a whisper.
'Mother? So that was someone that people call mother. Mother is someone who giving birth to us,' Hyunnie thought. With that kind of thought, she stands up then running into Mother Maria figure and hugged it tightly. The church began to turn into chaos.
"Mother, finally i saw you. I've been missing you so much," Hyunnie sobbed.
Tiffany put a troubled face and blame herself for not explaining the detail to Hyunnie. Now that it turns to be like this, she really has no idea what to do. The susters come to Hyunnie and force her to leave but Hyunnie hugged Mother Maria tighter now. All the prayers stop their pray and start to badmouth her.
The susters bring Hyunnie to face the head suster. Hyunnie who afraid getting punished again then run into outside the school. Then the susters start to chase her.
"See, low class and immoral girl like her doesn't suit to enter this school. Look what has she done on her first day here," Victoria said in a mocking tone.
"Yah! Vic, you dare enough to say Hyunnie as immoral girl when you yourself are immoral," Tiffany replied.
"Watch your mouth, you silly! It's all happen because you're failing to take care of her," Victoria replied causing Tiffany feel more guilty. She hopes that Hyunnie doing well out there and be able to face whatever the punishment from the head suster.
Hyunnie began to feel tired of running but the susters won't stop chasing her. Unconsciously she runs into a mansion complex and see that one of the windows opened wide. She jumps inside the mansion and hide until she can't see any sign of susters around.
She sighed and tried to climb the windows to exit the mansion, but suddenly she hears a low voice asking for a help. She sees an old man in that room falling from the bed. She rushed into him and help him to get back to his bed.
"Thank you, young lady! But who are you? I don't remember having such a young maid," said the old man.
"No, Sir! I'm not the maid here. I'm.."
"If you aren't the maid, then why are you here? What's your name?" the old man cuts Hyunnie's words.
"Uhm, I'm so sorry, Sir! There are some people chasing me and I need to hide. And, umm, my name is Hyunnie, Sir!" Hyunnie said, keeping her head low.
"Alright, since you're helping me, I can forgive you. Honestly I feel so comfortable with your existence. What if you stay here and become my maid?" the old man offer.
"Really! I can stay here? Yes, i'm willing become a maid here. I will make this house clean and take care of you well," Hyunnie said happily.
"Arasso," the old man said, then he rings a small bell which placed on the table beside his bed. Several minutes later, a middle aged woman enters the room.
"Are you calling me, Sir?" the woman asked.
"Yes, Mrs. Kim! This is Hyunnie, a new maid here. Please take care of her and tell her the rules in this house! And Hyunnie, this is Mrs. Kim, a head maid here," the old man said and asked them to dismiss.
"Mrs. Kim, actually who's that old man?" Hyunnie asked innocently when they exited the room.
"Aigo, this girl! He's the owner of this mansion. He's Mr. Seo Taiji, the owner of the Harvard music school. How could you don't know about that?" Mrs. Kim said.
"I'm so sorry Mrs. Kim," Hyunnie said apologetically. But somehow, the surname Seo seems familiar to her.
"Alright, let me explain you your duty. On the second floor of the mansion, there are two big rooms, the right one and the left one. Your duty is cleaning Master Seo's room on the left side," Mrs. Kim said.
"What about the room on the right side?" Hyunnie asked.
"Nobody allowed to enter into the right room. I warn you, don't you ever dare to enter the right room if you don't want to trigger Master Seo's tension! Do you understand?" Mrs. Kim said and giving a maid clothes to Hyunnie. Hyunnie nodded as she understands her duty.
On the next day, Hyunnie started to work in Master Seo's mansion. She woke up early morning and go to the Master's room. She opens the curtain and the window, cleaning, and changing the flowers.
"Thank you Hyunnie, now the room has become brighter," Master Seo said.
"You are welcome Master! It's my duty anyway," Hyunnie bowing and then chirping happily.
"Ah, it's been a long time since this house dwell by such a cheerful girl. My mood becomes brightened up," Master Seo said and then laughing happily. But her laughing stopped when suddenly he's coughing badly.
"Master, what's your disease actually?" Hyunnie asked while patting the Master's back.
"My heart weakened.. After I got the information that my son and her wife dead in the accident, and my granddaughter missing after involve in that accident. They live in the different country since they got married, and when they finally have an opportunity to come here, they meet such incident. I don't even get to know my granddaughter's face," Master Seo said sadly. Hyunnie even already crying a river when listening to Master Seo's story. It's too dramatic for her.
"Now I only have one granddaughter. She's studying in St. Agnesius. Her name is Victoria," Master Seo continued.
"What? Victoria! Aish, that brat!" Hyunnie upset only by remembering her.
"Do you know her?" Master Seo asked.
"Yes. She threw away my Traumerei doll that i received from Yong," Hyunnie explained sadly.
"Yes, Traumerei. Do you know that song, Master?" Hyunnie asked, then she started to hum that song.
"Stop it, Hyunnie! I don't want to hear that song," Master Seo snapped her angrily.
"Why?" Hyunnie asked. But before she got the answer from Master Seo, they heard a knock at the door.
Hyunnie open the door but she shocked after seeing the person behind the door. It's Yong. It's her Yong.
"Hyunnie," Yong called her.
Hyunnie hides behind the master's bed. Afraid that Yong would scolded her for runaway from the school.
"Hwangtaeja, what brings you here?" Master Seo asked him.
"Hwangtaeja?" Hyunnie wonders why Master Seo calls her Yong as hwangtaeja.
Yong approaches Master Seo and whispers, "I'm not telling Hyunnie that I'm the crown prince. Wouldn't you mind to keep my identity remain secret?"
"Ah, his face is so similar with the crown prince. I'm often mistaken him as crown prince," Master Seo said, revising his previous statement.
"How could you know each other?" Hyunnie asked.
"Mr. Seo Taiji is my personal teacher when I was still a little child so I came here time to time to visit him," Yong answered.
"Ah, so afterall Yong is the son of noble since his parents are able to hire such a personal teacher," Hyunnie thought.
"Hyunnie, what are you doing here? Don't you know that Gary hyung and Jihyo noona are looking for you? You don't even attend Gary hyung's graduation ceremony," Yong diverts the topic.
"I want to stay here and take care master. But I also don't want to make everyone worry. Gary oppa, Jihyo unnie, and Tiffany must be worried about me. Ottoke, ottoke Yong?" Hyunnie got confused.
"Hyunnie, since my condition improved a lot because of you, I will make a celebration party. And you can invite anyone that you want, what about that?" Master Seo suggests.
Hyunnie jump up and down happily then hugged Master Seo and mouthing thanks. Unknowingly, Master Seo feels so warm and comfort with her hug. He never feels that feeling when Victoria hug him. Whereas Victoria is his own granddaughter from his second daughter.
When Hyunnie has left the room, Seo Im Woo asked about Hyunnie's whereabouts to Yong. Actually Yong himself also don't know much about her background. He just tells Mr. Seo according to what Gary telling him. About her getting accident, trauma, amnesia, founded by Gary, getting into St. Agnesius, and et cetera.
Jihyo and Gary look at the invitation letter which they received several minutes ago in disbelieve. They don't believe someone as great as Sir Seo Taiji would invite them to his party. They are really glad and thought it as a kind of gift for Gary's new doctoral title.
Meanwhile, in St. Agnesius school, several students and susters got an invitation from Seo Taiji too. They are busy chit chatting and discussing about what clothes that they want to wear.
"Yah, why are you getting the invitation too? Victoria asked Tiffany, but Tiffany only gigles. Some students who got an invitation from Seo Taiji are only Victoria's best friend, while Tiffany actually never in a good term with Victoria. Little did they know that Tiffany also gets a special letter from Hyunnie. She tells her to come to the party because she misses her.
The news about Sir Seo Taiji having party heard by all people across the country. They also feel happy that Seo Im Woo finally recover.
All the guests have finally gathered in the mansion. Sir Seo Taiji starts his foreword and thanking the guests for attending the party. He then asks Hyunnie to give a special performance to welcome the guests.
Hyunnie really have no idea what to do. She just starts to move her body, following the music. Surprisingly she can do a ballet dance smoothly. All the guests gape in awe. In opposite, Seo Taiji is getting a bit uncomfortable because he remembers that his son ever wrote a letter to him that his daughter is a really good ballet dancer.
Victoria becomes so upset when she sees that her grandpa looking at Hyunnie intently. She feels jealous because she never gets that kind of attention. She then gets an idea to ruin Hyunnie's performance. She stretches out her foot into Hyunnie's foot to make her fall over. Hyunnie become panic when she realizes that she's on the verge of falling.
Luckily, her prince charming come at the right time. A prince who wears a black tuxedo and cover his face with a mask catch her before her body touch the ground.
"Yong!!" Hyunnie exclaimed happily to her savior. The latter just simply plastering his toothy grin on his face. Then, to cover the little accident, they do a couple ballet harmoniously. That was a very beautiful sight of the guests which make them give a standing ovation.
Yong and Hyunnie was tired because of the dancing. But a happy expression never leaves their faces. They want to take a rest for a while but the guests demand more. So Hyunnie stand up and asks everyone to stay quiet. Then she starts humming Traumerei song.
Seo Taiji who sees all of her action start to get a light heart attack as he tried to complete the puzzle pieces. Yong said that she lost memory and trauma after getting into the car accident and nobody knows about her identity. While his granddaughter also missing when his son's family meet the accident. Then, his son ever told him through the letter that his daughter is a really good ballet dancer, so does Hyunnie. Another thing that flashes his mind is the fact that his son really like Traumerei song too, so does Hyunnie. And the last thing, Yong said that the paramedics who safe her was managing to get her name. And they catch the name Hyun, that's why Jihyo named her Hyunnie. It means that she is...
Hyunnie finishes the song when suddenly Master Seo falls down because of getting a severe heart attack. Yong who aware with the situation, hurriedly lift him and with the help from another guests, he manages to put Master Seo into his bed. The doctor rushes into his room to check on his condition.
"His situation is dangerous," the doctor said.
Hyunnie come inside the room and grab her Master's hand while hoping it can give him some power. Yong stands beside her and tried to calm her. On the other side of the bed, sat Victoria who terrified with the sight of his grandfather.
Master Seo is dying. His heartbeat getting weaker and his breathing getting harder. He manages to squeeze Hyunnie's hand and looking at her intently.
"Seo.. Joo..."